Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Abilene Christian University.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Style Semiotics: The Influence of Levels of Professional Style of Dress on Perceived Competency, Brianna Esparza
Therapy Dogs and the Impact on Employees in the Pediatric Medical Setting, Laine Foith
Learning to Pray the Lord’s Prayer for Spiritual Transformation at Tachikawa Church of Christ, Naoyoshi Fukushima
Evaluation of the Impact of Social Work Services in Rural School Districts, Breanna Heinrich
A Systems Approach to Revenue Fluctuation in Nonprofit Human Service Organizations, Joshua James Hunter
It’s About ‘That Time’ to Break the Cycle: A Rhetorical Analysis of Challenging Menstrual Taboos, Audrey Marie Lamborn
The Effects of Greek Life on Political Participation and Interaction Involvement, Philip Lamborn
Does Homelessness Increase the Risk of Readmission in Acute Care Patients Diagnosed with Schizophrenia, Lindsey N. Marek
John the Solitary's Homily on the Poor in Spirit: Edition and Translation, Daniel Robert Marolf
From Blonde to Brutal: A Feminist Rhetorical Analysis of Legally Blonde and How to Get Away With Murder, Jazmine M. Moreno
Self-Efficacy in Offspring of Mentally Ill Parents, Craig M. Motsenbocker
Restoring גלה II from Exile: Discovering the Homonyms Spelled ג-ל-ה by Examining Their Usage in the Hebrew Bible, Josiah D. Peeler
Evidence-based Intervention that Decreases Stress Levels in Teens Who Are Missing School Due to Outside Stressors, Madysen Pennington
Racial Socialization and its Moderating Effects on Microaggressions, Jusiah L. Prowell
Ruminative Exploration in Late Adolescence and its Relationship to Depression, Self-Esteem, and Parental Autonomy Support, Kelsey A. Redmayne
Attachment to God, Locus of Control, and Outcomes in the Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students, Misty Schoephoerster
The Influence of Stages of Change on the Effectiveness of a Sleep Hygiene Education-Based Intervention, Pablo Soto Jr
Ethnic Student Organization Leaders' Perceptions of Institutional Diversity Efforts at a Predominantly White Faith-Based University, Kholofelo M. Theledi
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Zealous until Death: "Voluntary Martyrdom" and the Martyrs of Lyons, Matthew R. Anderson
‘Untruths and Propaganda’ – Churches of Christ, Darwinism, and the 1985-1986 ACU Evolution Controversy, Paul A. Anthony
The Texts We Play: Avatar Creation and Racial Invisibility in Role-Playing Video Games, Daniel L. Archer
What Are the Barriers to Economic Self-Sufficiency of Congolese Refugees in Abilene, Texas?, David M. Bayoh
Sensation Seeking and Conscientiousness in Relation to Caffeine Consumption and Expectancy, Cheyenne Bullock
The Lightbringer: A Novel, Brett L. Butler
Your Face Betrays You: A Fantasy Theme Analysis of Lie To Me, Caroline Campbell
Formulating A Covenant Of Discipleship For The Membership Of The Gwinnett Church of Christ, David Chisholm
Substance Use Among College Students: Correlations with Intent to Graduate, Academic Integration, and Social Integration, Cecilia M. Clowdus
Quality of Life Among Young Adults With Spina Bifida, Leah B. Colsch
The Association Between Depression, Spirituality and Religiosity, and Alcohol Use in College Students at a Faith Based University, Kylee M. Craggett
Program Analysis of an Adult Sex Offender (ASO) Treatment Group, Danielle Day
A Systematic Assessment for Potential Compassion Fatigue Among CPS Workers in West Texas, Angela Nicole Derrick
An Exploratory Study of Campus Ministries Affiliated With Churches of Christ in Ghana, Frank Obeng Essien
Epistemology in the Churches of Christ: An Analysis and Critique of Thomas B. Warren, Derek Estes
The Apocalypse of Pseudo-Ezra: Syriac Edition, English Translation, and Introduction, Laura Locke Estes
Measuring Organizational Climate at the Abilene-Taylor County Public Health District, Sarah Floyd
A Theory of Associations: An Explanation and Applications to Wagner's Das Rheingold, Parker T. Gordon
Challenging Students at Fort Worth Christian School to Engage the Economically Disadvantaged in Their Community, James Hensley
A Case Study: The Factors Associated With Student Homelessness, Brittani Hudspeth
Factors Contributing to the Economic Self-Sufficiency of At-Risk Foster Youth Who Have Aged Out of Care, Alexzandra M. Hust
The Relationship of Empathy and Impulsivity to The Dark Tetrad of Personality, Ashlee Justice
The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit and Human Intentionality: A Constructive Proposal, John R. Kern
Implementing Vocational Training at Escuela Quiteña de Estudios Bíblicos, Joshua K. Marcum
Optimism Bias in Fitness, Katrielle Marx
The Relationship Between Resilience and Sleep Quality, Tyler S. McCuistion
The Near and Far Transfer Effects of Multimedia Cognitive Training, Alison M. McGinnis
Formulating an Intentional Curriculum for Spiritual Leadership Development at the West University Church of Christ, Daniel A. McGraw
An Analysis of Elementary Interventions on Academic and Behavioral Performance, Sarah McLean
Ageism: Abilene Christian University Students’ Perception of Aging Adults, Taylor A. Nix