Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Understanding Burnout Through the Lens of Teachers During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Phenomenological Study, Rita Marie Garcia
Exploring the Indicators of the Two Social and Emotional Learning Competencies and Their Relationship to Community College Grade Point Average, Arvinder Kaur Gill
Perceptions of School Administrators on the Role of Support Systems in Attrition Among Principals and Assistant Principals, Karina N. Gonzalez
Exploratory Case Study of Online Teacher Professional Development at a Faith Based School Through the Lens of a Community of Inquiry Framework, Ericka Heide Hamilton
Alumni Giving From Online Learners: A Logistic Regression Study, Jaqlyne S. Jackson
The Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Management Relationship in Black Women Leaders, Tina Raylyn Jackson
The Perceptions of Faculty and Instructional Designers Regarding the Impact of Professional Development to Teach Online Courses, Scott Mitchell January
Developing Teachers to Teach English Language Learners (ELLs) via ELL Notebook Strategies, Ebony D. Johnson
The Relationship Between Job Challenge and Leadership Aspiration From the Perspective of the Entry Level Nurse Leader, Rose M. Johnson
Perceived Social Isolation and Turnover Intention Among Black Faculty at Midwestern and Southeastern Public U.S. Universities, Trenee T. Johnson
Student Perceptions of Social Media in the Admissions Process, Skiler Ashley Jones
Authentic Narratives of Successful Pathways to Undergraduate Completion for Black Men, Tara M. Jones
Educational Robotics and Computational Thinking in Elementary School Students, Sonia D. Jordan
School Superintendents’ Perspectives Regarding Subordinates Developing, Utilizing, and Implementing Gifted Identification Equity, Vincent T. Landrum
A Qualitative Descriptive Study on High School Teachers’ Perspectives Regarding School Safety and Lockdown Drills, Hector Leija
On-Campus Mental Health Service Use Among College Students With Autism: A Case Study Applying the Andersen Behavioral Model of Health Services Use, Estella C. Lilyquist
Effects of Parental Deployment on Military-Connected High School Students and Strategies for Academic Success, Sean T. Lucas
Do Metrics Improve When Continuity of Care Nurses Follow Chronic Disease Patients in the Ambulatory Setting?, Lura Cynthia Lunsford
The Perceptions of Second-Year, First-Generation Minority Students Regarding the Influence of AVID Mentoring on Students’ Retention, Nisha Mary Mathews
Understanding Immigration-Based Intractable Conflict Behaviors Through the Lenses of Social Identity and Emotions, Caryn Cade Moir
Athletic Training Preceptor Readiness: From Clinician to Educator, Kaylee Jane Newman
The Impact of Internal and External Influences on Federal Procurement Specialists, Jonathan B. Page
An Examination of the Relationships Between Campus Administrators and Special Education Teachers and Its Influence on Teacher Retention, Tai Lea Peacock
An Examination of the Career Trajectory of Black Female Pastors in the Black Church, Genesis Wyne Player
Ex Post Facto Study of the Effect of Generational Cohort and Employment Tenure on Employee Satisfaction of United States Federal Employees, Justin Lee Reed
The Impact of Brain Drain on Haiti's Rural Communities: The Case of a Small Town in Central Haiti and Its Surroundings., Franst Choubert Rémy
Dual Credit: The Relationship Between Grade Point Average, Hours Earned, and Semesters to Degree Attainment, Amanda R. Ritchie
Intergenerational Factors That Contribute to Millennial Church Engagement, Parker Sanderson
The West Point Talent Based Branching Program as a Predictor of Performance at the Army’s Field Artillery Basic Officer Leadership Course: Implications for Officer Retention, Ryan Oldroyd Scott
The Impact of the Digital Divide on Rural Community College Students, Martin Ray Sheppard
An Examination of Conflict Resolution in Dispersed Organizations Using Strengths-Based Leadership, Tracie Leigh Shutt
Legitimization of Affective Domain Learning: A Transformative Mixed-Methods Analysis of Learning Outcomes Assessment Practice, Lan Misty Song
Special Education Teacher Attrition: K-12 Administrator Perspectives, Tia Alove Stevens-Hicks
The Sustainability of African American Female-Owned Businesses, Chantelle Daniel Thibeaux
A Phenomenological Study Examining Job Embeddedness of Direct Support Professionals in Community-Based Services Programs: Why Do They Stay?, Athena M. Thomas
A Phenomenological Study of the Underrepresentation of Division I Minority Women Athletic Directors, Jacquelyn K. Timmons
A Multiple Case Study: The Impact of Instructional Coaching on Novice Teachers, Misti N Tope
Advancement Via Individual Determination and Its Impact on the Academic Achievement of African American Male Students, Christerpher L. Turner
Impostor Phenomenon, College-Going Knowledge, and Staff Expectations: Ramifications on First Time in College Students Enrollment, Julia A. Vickery
A Qualitative Study Exploring Teachers’ Perceptions Concerning Involvement in Professional Organizations and the Decision to Remain in the Profession, Cynthia D. Villalovos
A PAR Reflection: The Power of Teacher Voice, Anna Marie Warren
Exploring the Lived Experiences of Women Superintendents in Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi, LaKeyshure Washington-Marzell
Examining Leadership Experiences and Practices of African American Women in Higher Education Settings to Overcome Barriers, Tanya Stubbs White
Perceptions of Organizational Politics and Interpersonal Relationships in Black Women's Organizations and Sororities, Mitzi S. Willis
Higher Education’s Effect on Retention: Exploring the Experiences of CPS Caseworkers, Alisa S. Wright
Leadership Style in a Faith-Based Athletic Department Setting, Adam P. Ybarra
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Four-Day Modified School Systems in Rural Oklahoma, Bryan D. Akins
Principal Decision-Making and Perception of Fine Arts Programing in Curricular Design, Osvaldo Altamirano
Influence of Restorative Practices on the Middle-School Classroom, As Reported by Teachers: A Qualitative Case Study, Julia Y. Andrews
Elementary Principals’ Instructional Leadership Role in International Schools: The Challenges and Perceptions of Student Grouping, Hafida Belkacem Becker
Leading for Sustainability in School-Community Partnerships, Kimberly Renee Benavides
Call Center Retention: A Correlational Study of Work Attitudes and Satisfaction of Training and Development for Customer Service Agents, Jacquelyn Holmes Birocci
The Confidence Gap: How the Self-Esteem of Middle School Females Affects Their Leadership Self-Efficacy, Amanda F. Bitner
Case Study: Principal Knowledge, Principal Practice, and Student Achievement, Maritza Olivarez Braxton
Educators’ Adolescent Experiences and Their Implementation of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, Je Quila D. Broussard
Facilitators to Becoming and Remaining Open Defecation Free in Uganda: Implications for Community-Led Total Sanitation Programming, Danette Lee Cagnet
Title IX: Girls Call Foul, Robert Marcus Canonico
A Qualitative Study Exploring the Lived Experiences of Teachers of Color in Predominately White K–12 Environments, Torine S. Champion
How Early Education and Pet Therapy May Help Nurses With Compassion Fatigue, Katie E. Clark
The Underrepresentation of Women in Building Trades Programs and Careers: Perceptions Behind the Educational and Career Decision-Making Process, Ethel J. Clayton
All-Day Prekindergarten: Closing the Achievement Gap in Literacy, Theodore Clevenger IV
Teachers’ Perceptions of the Impact of Principal Leadership Style on Teacher Transfers in International Schools in South Korea, Caleb Philip Coleman
Exploring the Lived Experiences of African American Female College Presidents: The Path to Presidency in Higher Education, Breonna Collins
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Effectiveness in Southeastern Ohio, Kacey Ryan Cottrill
Lived Experiences of Latino(a) College Students Enrolled in a Historically Black College & University (HBCU), Gabriel Crosby
A Study of the Perceptions of New North Texas Assistant Principals on Administrative Preparation Programs, Larry D. Croy
How an Abusive Supervision Climate Impacts Business-to-Business (B2B) Sales Performance, and the Roles of Leader–Members Interdependence and Team Psychological Safety, Matthew J. Daniel
Examining the Relationship Between Burnout and Mindfulness in Government Employees: A Closer Look at Mindfulness in Positive Psychology, Simona C. Davis
Is There More Than One Way? Examining Alternative Pathway Teacher Effectiveness Through the Experiences and Perceptions of Principals in Urban, Low-Socioeconomic Schools in Oklahoma, Julianne Hennessy Denton
Do Time-Compressed General Education Courses Increase Course and Semester Retention Rates?, Michael Lee Dixon
Formal Mentoring Programs: An Exploration of Barriers to Implementation in Nursing Schools, Megan Christine Duncan
An Exploration of Why Integration Efforts Are Largely Unsuccessful in Predominantly White Christian Churches, Elizabeth Brown Gilbert
Personal Narratives of English Language Learners With Learning Disabilities: Paving the Way to Success at a Private University in Central Texas, Oralia Guzman-Wheeler
Project-Based Learning: Teachers' Perceptions, Tricia Nail Haddad
Impact of Trauma on Truancy, Teri J. Hargrave
Exploring the Motivations of College Students With ADHD to Disclose Their Disability and Use Accommodations, Carol M. Haynes-Buchanan
Response to Intervention: Understanding Secondary Teachers’ Perceptions, Sheridan L. Henley
Community Health Educators’ Perspectives on Curriculum Resources in Newly Adapted Virtual Diabetes Cooking Classes, Rusty Ranay Hohlt
Portraits of Leadership in Higher Education: Directors of Centers for Teaching and Learning Leadership Styles and DEI Practices at Four-Year Universities in the U.S., Angela K. Johnson
A Study of the Perceptions of School Administrators on Fostering Relational Trust With Teachers in Texas Urban Charter Schools, Meesha-Gay Jones
A Quantitative Examination of Millennial Turnover in Higher Education, De'Aira Marie Kennemer
Academic Leadership Perceptions of Online Program Quality and Course Design, Amanda Gayle Korkow
For-Profit Business Leaders’ Perceptions of Technology and Conflict Resolution in the Workplace, Sherry Hamilton Latten
Agency, Mentorship, and Self-Efficacy: Achieving Gender Equity Among Texas Superintendents, Carmela Marisa Levy-David
Perceptions of Race, Status, and Instructional Modality as Predictors of Degree Attainment for African American Male Community College Students, Roderick C. Lewis Sr.
The Impact of Disruptive Physician Behavior on Support Staff and Patients: A Quantitative Secondary Analysis, Michael C. Marino
Strategies Teachers Implement That Support Mixed-Race Students in Schools in Rural Southeast Texas, Tara Michelle Marshall
Millennial Employees in Contact Centers: Leadership Style Preferences Contribution to Job Satisfaction, Dana C. Martin Jr.
Examining the Perceived Benefits of a Career Course for English-Speaking First-Generation Hispanic and Latino Students, David Benjamin Mason
Abusive Supervision Within the Military Ranks: A Qualitative Examination of Positive Emotion-Focused Coping Strategies, Demetrius McDew
Deliberately Developmental Leadership in Organizational Settings, Glenn Allen Nixon
Persistence Rates of First-Year College Students Who Attend an Extended Orientation Camp Program Compared to Those Who Do Not Attend, Kristy G. O'Keefe
Managers' Resistance to Supervising Teleworking Employees, Jan R. Oldham
The Glass Jaw. The Presence of Incivility, Conflict, and Bullying in Disempowering Workplaces: A Study of Middle-Level Managers in HEIs, Maria Esther Caratini Prado
The Understanding of Risk Culture Among Risk Management Practitioners, William L. Raab