Theses/Dissertations from 2022
The Acceptance of Learning Management Systems by Higher Education Faculty in an Educational Landscape Influenced by a Global Pandemic, Stephen Mark Rektenwald
A Path to Success: A Case Study of Military Veterans at a Midwestern University, Jada N. Reynolds
Removing Barriers That Prevent Parents From Low Socioeconomic Backgrounds From Being Involved in Their Children’s High School Education, Jason E. Shepherd
The Correlation Between Transformational Leadership and Mental Health Clinician Burnout, Rebekah E. Shutter
Burn On, Don't Burn Out: Factors That Promote Longevity in Ministry, Gary William Simpson
Trust in Academia: How Chief Academic Officers Build and Maintain Faculty Trust, Marc A. Smithers
A Study of Military-Connected Parental Perceptions of Civilian Secondary School Image, Legitimacy, and Reputation, Jorge Manuel Soldevila
Examining the Barriers Women Face in Achieving Senior-Level Leadership Roles at Council for Christian Colleges and Universities, Andrew Paul Stewart
Transition Barriers of U.S. Military Veterans With Combat Occupations, Carole Thomas
Understanding the Role of Faculty Advising in Graduate Allied Healthcare Profession Programs as Practitioners Transition to Professor, Lillie Marie Barnett Thomas
LGBTQ Student Experiences and Perceptions in Christian Higher Education: An Exploration of Institutional Climate and LGBTQ Persistence, Anthony M. Ungaro
Creating Safe Schools: An Exploratory Study of Educator Perspective on Student Behavior and Restorative Practices in Schools Implementation, Rachel Danielle Vargas
The Effectiveness of a Career and Technical Education Program of Study on Preparing Students for Their Chosen Career, Rigoberto Vasquez
Exploring Teachers' Perceptions on the Fidelity of Implementing Teaching Strategies GOLD, Shucrea Yamina Victor-Cameron
Leading Through Music: A Comparative Case Study on the Effects of Military Band Performance, Jessica A. Williams
Healing the Burn: Assuaging Burnout and Increasing Work Engagement in University Admissions Counselors, Michael K. Wright
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Restorative Strategies Used to Reduce Disproportionality in Texas Schools That Have Implemented Restorative Practices, Shenita Y. Alsbrooks
Teachers' Perspectives of Restorative Disciplinary Practices, Asma Anwar
Challenges of Middle School to High School Transition: A Phenomenological Study of the Experiences of Students Transitioning From Eighth Grade to Ninth Grade, Simisola K. Aromolaran
African American Teachers' Experiences of Becoming a Teacher in Ohio: A Case Study, FEON M. BATTISTE
Exploring the Challenges and Barriers of Professional Practice Experience in Health Information Management Education, Darla D. Branda
Perceptions of Classroom Management Coaching at District A Independent School District, Ashley L. Brittain
Leader–Member Exchange Turnover: How Does Dual Leadership Impact Employee Turnover in Head Start?, Dana P. Clark-Brocks
Understanding the Barriers East Texas Community College Students Experience in Transferring to a Regional University, Kelly Leigh Coke
Interventions for Ninth-Grade Middle-Achieving Students, Bradley C. Cook
Implementing Culturally Diverse Strategies in Higher Education Classrooms, Christina M. Corona
Noncognitive Attributes as a Measure for College Admission: Exploring the Relationship Between Cognitive and Noncognitive Factors in First-Year College Student Success, Amanda E. Craddock
Retention Factors of Rural East Texas Superintendents, William Z. Crawford
Experiences of Chinese Students in Higher Education in the Southeastern United States: A Narrative Study, Darren Dean
Educator and Administrator Perceptions of Sheltered Instruction in Stem Courses, Tommy D. Duncan II
Transformational Leadership and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs): A Case Study of Primary Teachers at an Urban School in Bogotá, Colombia, Mary Elizabeth Ferguson
Utilization of Disability Services by Students With Nonvisible Disabilities, Cristina A. Figueroa
Perceptions of Rural School Principals’ Experiences, Practices, and Understandings of Conflict and Conflict Management, Tacy Kay Gamel
Attachment and Identity in Higher Education: Lived Experiences of Korean Adoptees, Janeice A. Garrard
The Impact of Leadership and Institutional Priorities on Degree Completion of Community College Students, Estelle L. Garza
Catholic Elementary School Principals, the Transfer of Marketing Knowledge, and the Diffusion of School Marketing, Lisa A. Geosits
An Examination of Female Officers’ Career Advancement in the U.S. Military, Glenda A. Gill
Perceptions of Social Support Impacting Persistence of Online Doctoral Students, Eliza Gorham
Faculty of Color Viewpoints Regarding Recruitment, Retention, and Academic Climate at Texas Community Colleges, Caitlin Alexa Graves
Part-Time Enrolled Community College Students: A Case Study Examining the Experiences of the Invisible Majority, Janelle M. Green
Challenges of Pastoral Leaders: Maintaining Resilience While Contemplating Transitioning out of Ministry, Benjamin A. Griffin
Testimonios of Resilient Salvadoran Immigrants Who Graduated From a Public High School in the United States and Pursued Further Education, Leticia Ann Guzman Ingram
An Analysis of the Child Find Provision Due Process Hearings in Texas: Implications from the Special Education Cap, Katherine Hall Crites
The Reciprocity of Mentorship: Impacting Christian Higher Education, Alessandra Brohmer Hansen
Qualitative Study of Collaboration Between Independent Reading Specialists and Elementary Classroom Teachers, Lindsay Lee Hawbaker
Discerning and Developing Department Chairs as Instructional Leaders: A Case Study of a Large Suburban High School, Michael David Heath
Persistence and Retention Strategies Implemented at HBCUs That Support Successful Degree Attainment of African American Men, Fetera D. Henry
Exploratory Case Study of Freshman Student Experiences in Developmental Education Courses That Encourage Persistence at One College in West Texas, Brandon A. Hernandez
A Case Study of Introverted Leadership in a Suburban High School in Central Texas, Jill Reynolds Hotz
A Case Study of One Small Christian College Overcoming Decline and Implementing an Institutional Turnaround, Richard H. Johnson
Barriers to Succession Planning: A Case Study of Atlanta Nonprofit Organizations, Adonnis J. Jules
Academic Advisors’ Experience With Academic Entitlement: A Phenomenological Study, Felicia A King
Student Perceptions of the Effects of the Modern Educational Reform Movement on the Concept of the Whole Child, Edward Theodore Knight
The Relationship of Hospital CEO Gender and the Patient Experience: The Role of the Mediating Effects of Hospital Characteristics, Lanean M. Lang
Effects of Organizational Climate on Dual Language Teacher Retention, Joseph Lewis
An Examination of Self-Determination, Motivation, and the Retention of Pacific Islander Male Athletes at the Community College, Jerome Manos
Black Women's Perceptions of the Experiences, Challenges and Barriers Leading to Senior-Level Leadership Positions in Higher Education, Latisha L. Marion
The Impact of a 1:1 Technology Initiative on Student Achievement in 10th Grade English Language Arts in a South Texas Public School District, Lois E. Marshall Barker
Professional Learning Community: Perspectives of Rural School Teachers and Leaders, Brenda Olivia Martinez
Hazy Team Composition Processes: Shared Team Leadership, a Strategy to Team Excellence in Higher Education, Pervaiz Masih
Preparing Future Healthcare Professionals: The Relationship Between Resilience, Emotional Intelligence, and Age, Cindy Lee McGuire
An Organization’s Ability to Improve Outsourcing Outcomes in Information Technology Outsourcing Initiatives by Increasing Organizational Knowledge: A Case Study, John Michael Mello
A Qualitative Study of Department Chairs’ Perceptions Regarding Job Role Transition in Christian Colleges, Tiniesha La'Shae Menete
The Effect of Servant Leadership on Nonprofit Workplace Conflict, Lorena M. Freeborough
Servant Leadership and Conflict Adaptivity in Local Government Leaders, June F. Mighty
A Qualitative Case Study of a Transitional Program for Students In Middle School as They Transition to High School, Patrick Tremayne Moore
Parental Support and Online Sixth-Grade Students’ Academic Performance: A Survey Research, Tiffany Ann Nayar
College Recruitment of Low-Income Underrepresented Minority Students, Cassady M. Ogedegbe
Exploring the Experiences and Effectiveness of Student Loan Entrance Counseling, Manoj Thekkadathu Oommen
Teacher Mentorship Program’s Influence on Novice Teachers’ Decision to Stay: A Case Study, Joan Evans Otten
Exploration of Strategies of Teacher Leaders for Responding to Students Experiencing Trauma Framed in CASEL's Social and Emotional Learning Theory, Kimberly Dionne Parrott
Testimonios of Chicano Leadership in Texas Community Colleges, Jonathan Pérez
Narratives of First-Generation Community College Students in Central Texas: Restorying the Path to Success in Higher Education, Stephanie Diana Perkins
An Exploration of Teachers’ Perceptions and Experiences Serving Students of Incarcerated Parents in a Rural Setting, Melissa P. Phelan
An Autoethnographic Study of Online Class Size and Instructor Participation in Discussions, Danielle M. Philipson
Youth Leadership Development Programs: Participants’ Pre- and Post-perceptions of Leadership Life Skills Development, Courtney A. Pruner
A Qualitative Study of the Perceptions of Elementary and Secondary Campus Administrators’ Role in Managing Teacher Stress, Cody M. Record
Experiences of African American Veterans With Regards to Ethnicity, Mental Health, and Homelessness, Jeffrey Redmond
Rural School District Strategies to Increase College, Career, and Military Readiness, Amelia J. Reeves
Case Study: Teacher Mindset and Its Impact on Instruction in an At-Risk Classroom, Michelle L. Rice
Experiences That Support Persistence and Retention of Latinx First-Generation College Students (FGCS) at Community Colleges, Veronica Rios
Integrating Interprofessional Education Into Teacher Preparation Curriculum: Reimagining Partnerships From the Inside Out, Jennifer Lauren Rogers EdD
Learning Experiences of Financial Aid Administrators: A Phenomenological Study of Workplace Learning, Diana J. Sanders
A Study of the Association of Teacher Efficacy and Students' Achievement in a North Texas School District, Ruth E. Schackmann
A Qualitative Case Study on the Hiring Practices of the President at a Four-Year Public University in Alabama, Clifton Skeeter Sellers
Leadership in Disciplinary Alternative Education Programs and the School to Prison Pipeline, April Michele Smith
Online Course Communication and International Student Academic Performance, Christie L. Smith
First-Year Seminar and Its Impact on Retention at a Small Liberal Arts College in South Carolina, Michael A. Smith
The Relationship Between Career and Technical Education Enrollment and College and Career Readiness Outcomes, Daniel Soliz Jr.
Critical Thinking in Law Enforcement Training Academies: A Phenomenological Study of Officer Experiences, Billy J. Spruill
An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Leadership and Interprofessional Conflict in a Chronic Joint Venture Setting, Jeffrey Thomas Stevey
Best Practices for Instructional Coaching Feedback Strategies As Perceived by Effective Principals of High At-Risk Schools, Angela P. Steward
Traditional and Alternative Certification Programs and Their Effect on Elementary School Teachers’ Efficacy Beliefs in Title I and Non-Title I Schools, Rita Gale Sullivan
Relationship Between Medical-Surgical Nurse Manager Age, Level of Education, Gender, Tenure, and Staff Nurse Turnover, John B. Summers
Exploring Actions Toward Supporting English Language Learners in a Rural Remote Secondary Setting, Annamarie Valdez
¿Dónde Están? Exploring the Identification Process for Gifted English Language Learners, Angelita O. Vasquez
School Leaders and Exclusionary Practices: A Study of Discretionary DAEP Placements for Minority Special Education Students, Tiffany Laine Weiss
An Evaluation of Programs and Leadership Practices for Effective Dropout Prevention, Nicole C. West
Program Evaluation Exploring Effectiveness of Experiential Learning Activities on Transition to Practice in an Occupational Therapy Educational Program, Kari M. Williams