Theses/Dissertations from 2025
Barriers Principals Face Integrating Blended Learning in Secondary Schools, Lacey Tremaine Ajibola
Strategies for Success: Developing the HERO Within to Increase Persistence of Community College Students Returning From Academic Dismissal, Angela Cavazos
K-12 Leaders and Their Self-Perceptions of Social Emotional Learning Competence, Karla De Luna
Voices From the Field: Mental Health Therapists' Perceptions of Collaboration With Child Protective Services Workers, Tamara P. Fields
Exploring the Perceptions of School Leaders and Teachers Towards the Role and Value of School Librarians, Amanda Galliton
Persistent Reading Deficiencies in Early Education, William Steven Reed
A Higher Calling: How Christian Student Affairs Administrators Integrate Their Faith While Working at Public Community Colleges, Danielle J. Ward
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
The Effect of Supportive Relationships and a Sense of Community on the Success of First-Year College Students, Stetson K. Akers
A Phenomenological Study of Hispanic First-Generation High School Graduates Who Do Not Pursue Higher Education, Amanda Arrambide
Campus Leaders’ Support of Culturally Responsive Classroom Management Strategies: Single Exploratory Case Study, Charmon L. Barksdale
Cabinet-Level School Administrators Intragroup and Intergroup Identity and Positive Leader-Member Exchange Dynamics: A Single Case Study, Larry R. Berger
Attrition and Turnover Intentions of Paramedic Program Directors in the State of Texas, Jacob Braddock
Exploring Principal Turnover in Oklahoma, Brett Bradley
Work-Family Conflict and Burnout in Healthcare: A Qualitative Study, Alison H. Busick
The Narrative Inquiries of How Community School Directors Implement Servant Leadership at Full-Service Community Schools in New York City, Stephen R. Campbell
Lost in the Identification Process: Where are Gifted Blacks and Other Minorities in Gifted and Talented Education?, Tiffany M. Chenier
The Role of Organizational Leadership in the Success of Higher Education Institutions: A Portraiture Study on Ashesi University in Ghana, Amanda Childress-Kannan
The Role of Nonverbal Communication on Trust in Online Mediation: A Case Study of the United States Postal Service REDRESS Mediation Program, Tammye Curtis-Jones
A Qualitative Descriptive Study Exploring the Perceptions of New Teacher Induction Supports, Tonya Dixon
Portraits of Hispanic/Latino Principals’ Leadership Development in Elementary Schools in Texas: A Narrative Study, Lily Dominguez-Carrero
Does My Voice Matter? Understanding the Lived Experiences and Turnover Intentions of Professional Academic Advisors, Keith Kanard Douglas
Nonacademic Factors That Effect Early College High School Student's Resilency, Amy Draper
An Exploration of the Role of Alternative Certification Programs in Teacher Preparedness, Bianca Dugas
Disability Services as Related to Higher Education Leadership: An Exploratory Study, Tara Wade Franklin
Comparing Novice Teacher and School Leader Perceptions in Urban K-12 Mentorship Programs, Shavonne Garner-Price
The Antecedents and Consequences of Evaluation in Pastoral Leadership, Jake A. Garrett
Adjunct Faculty Perceptions of Leadership and Cultures of Engagement, Inclusion, Collaboration, and Value Through a Social Capital Theory Framework, Mary Athena Geron-Newton
Resiliency, Mindset, and Academic Performance: A College Athlete's Perspective, Trisha C. Giacomazzi
The Recruitment and Retention of Professional Volunteers to Mentor Dental Students, Sandra Gibson
Narratives of Latina Leadership in Hispanic Serving Institutions in Texas, Deborah Ina Gonzalez
A Delphi Study Defining Catholic Identity in American Diocesan Catholic Higher Education, Katherine E. Grooms
The Impact of Resilience on a Middle Manager’s Resistance to Organizational Change, April D. Hall
Technology Selection in a Rural School District: A Case Study, Stephnie J. Helton
Why Teachers Write Office Referrals on Black Students: A Case Study, Darrin Lamont Hemphill
Best Practices in Professional Learning Communities That Influence Teacher Self-Efficacy, Silian Molly Hornsby
Texas High School Counselors’ and Advisors’ CCMR Self-Efficacy: An Exploratory Descriptive Study, Amanda R. Jolivet
Bridging Gaps. The Role of School Leaders in Implementing the McKinney-Vento Act for Homeless Student Success, Brian Jones
Principals' Perspectives of the Impact of Faculty Engagement, Self-Efficacy, and Resiliency on First-Year African American College Student Retention, Hattie Marie Jones
The Erosion of Identity: A Study of the Influence of Racial Microaggressions on K-12 African American School Leaders, Rayfield J. Lavan III
Examining the Role of Self-Awareness in Shaping Constructive Behaviors in Conflict Management: An Elementary Principal Perspective, Laura E. Lockhart
Differentiating Leadership Competencies That Create Constructive or Destructive Conflict Cultures in a Nation’s Military Service, William G. Maxwell Jr.
Using Standardized Assessments to Forecast Success or Failure on the NCLEX, Zelia Souza McGaha
Leading the Charge: A Case Study on the Leadership Behaviors of Education Leaders at Title I Campuses in Texas Prisons, Ashley McKelvey
A Phenomenological Study of the Lack of Preparedness of Recent Graduates in Sports Management Businesses in the Northeastern United States, Daria M. Mickowski
The Conundrum of Buy-In for the Texas Teacher Incentive Allotment, Kelli F. Moore
Exploring a Potential Preparedness Gap Between Undergraduate Ministry Programs and Real-Life Ministry in the Southern Baptist Convention, Barton D. Morrison
Employee Mindfulness and Employee Perception of Servant Leadership Behaviors on Trust in Managers Within Nonprofits, Shannon Mullins
Empowering Voices: Exploring the Career Trajectories of Women of Color HR Professionals Amid Disruptive Change, Brandi R. Muñoz
The Correlational Effects of Academic and Demographic Factors on Nursing Students’ Attrition, Progression, and Completion at a University College of Nursing, Adebusola A. Obafemi
Harnessing the Power of CliftonStrengths®: How Multinational Corporations Can Use Deep-Level Diversity to Enhance Organizational Inclusion, Trapper Kay Pace
Administrators and Teachers' Experiences With Trauma Training and Trauma Informed Care, Pamala Patterson
African American Women’s Experience With Invisibility and Hypervisibility in the Workplace: Does it Matter to Career Advancement?, Elisha R. Peters
An Examination of the Lived Experiences of Black Women in Senior Leadership Roles at CCCU Member Institutions, Tuccoa Polk
Dismantling Barriers: Exploring Effective Support Systems for African American Success in STEM at Community Colleges, Traci L. Ramsey
Unlocking Academic Success: Exploring the Interplay of Relational Capacity in Educational Leadership and Student Achievement, Veronica Robinson
Shame, Guilt, and Behavioral Responses to Conflict in Organizational Life: A Correlational Study, Lori Anne Shaw
Empowerment in Patriarchy: A Phenomenological Study of Working Mothers in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Michael Snapp
A Constructivist Grounded Theory Study of the U.S. Army’s Performance Evaluation Process and Its Impact on Minority Groups: Bias, Diversity, and Military Readiness, Laterrious Starks
Community College Engineering Degree Partnerships With 4-Year Universities, Jeffrey Mark Stear
Diversity Management and Organizational Resilience Among Midsized CCCU Institutions in Christian Higher Education, Kristopher M. Sutton
Dispositional Gratitude at Work Predicts Job Satisfaction of Software Developers, Jordan Gabriel Tate
The Perceptions of Teachers’ Beliefs and Attitudes on Technology Integration: A Suburban Middle School Case Study in the South-Central United States, Trina LaShell Valdez
Impacts of Class Size on Online Students’ Academic Achievements and Cost of Instruction, Getachew Wakgira
School Administrators’ Perspectives on Dyslexia and Transformational Leadership and Implications for Teacher Placement, Christina M. Walker
A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experiences of Black Entrepreneur Women’s Personal Development and Its Effect on Their Self-Identity, Mayrion Ann Washington
Examining the Influence of Adult Mentors on Fostering Prosocial Behaviors Among Teens, John H. Weaver III
The Influence of the Principalship in Retaining Novice Teachers, Casey Whittle
The Impact of Gratitude on Academic Advisor Job Satisfaction, Alexandria M. Widener
Emotional Intelligence in School Leadership and Teachers’ Perception of Its Effect on Their Efficacy, Chazzmin Williams
Organizational Toxicity: Exploring Factors That Cultivate Toxicity in Air Force Maintenance Organizations and Their Impact on Enlisted Airmen, Bryan Keith Wong
Understanding the Barriers of General Education Teachers Implementing Inclusive Practices, Sonya Garrette Woodfork
An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Urban Early College High School Teachers' Experiences, Tamika Vanessa Taylor Young
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
A Study of the Perceptions of Professional Development Programs for K-12 Teachers in Transition, Kimberly S. Alfred
The Knowledge and Utilization of Trauma-Informed Care by Educational and Mental Health Professionals Who Serve Children in a Texas City, Mashelle D. Ancell
Pathways to Success for Black Women Leaders in Online Higher Education: Intersectionality of Gender, Race, and Personality Traits, Shanaya Kuykendahl Anderson
Academic Performance of Low SES At-Risk Black and Latinx Students: A Case Study of Teachers’ Perceptions, Shelly Lynn Anderson
Transitioning From Early Childhood Intervention to Early Childhood Special Education: A Phenomenological Study, Brenda E. Arzu
Exploring the Upward Transfer Advising Experience of First-Generation Latinx Community College Students, Lizette Avalos-Morales
Women Leaders in the Oil and Gas Industry: How They Lead With Authenticity and Deal With Underrepresentation and Gender Bias in the Macro, Meso, and Micro Levels of Society, Michelle Ann Ballard
Latino and/or Hispanic Male Leaders in Community Colleges in Texas: A Narrative Study, Estrella Barrera
A Qualitative Case Study on How the Transition to Remote Learning Affected Elementary Language Arts Instruction During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Matthew B. Bergman
Exploring the Lived Experiences of Black Women Athletic Directors at NCAA Institutions, Niya N. Blair Hackworth
Teacher Perceptions on the Sustainability of Trauma-Informed Practices in a Delaware School, Joy Elaine Campbell
Effective Leader Development Within a Church-Planting Organization for a Changing and Chaotic World, Jeremy Davis
Professional Learning Community Conflicts and Teacher Leader Conflict Management From Multiple Stakeholder Perspectives, Amanda B. Dunn
Effective CTE Program Administration: Assumed or Developed?, Adrian L. Eaglin
Psychological Safety and Conflict Management Among Nurse Practitioners in Interprofessional Teams, Scott Tyler Faust
Competencies Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Agents Need to Manage Conflict in Master Gardener Programs, Jayla Brook Fry
How Interactions With an Academic Advisor Influence the Self-Efficacy of Online and Distance Education Students, Tonya Renae Fulk
The Perception of New Professionals on Their Transition Into the Field of Student Affairs, Ana Garcia
Speech-Language Pathologists’ Barriers to Providing Services to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children Ages 2–9, Irene S. García-Benavides