Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Abilene Christian University.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Predictors of Sexual Behaviors of Launching Adults in a Post-Roe World, Brandon Hunter Gardenhire
Comparing Novice Teacher and School Leader Perceptions in Urban K-12 Mentorship Programs, Shavonne Garner-Price
The Antecedents and Consequences of Evaluation in Pastoral Leadership, Jake A. Garrett
Adjunct Faculty Perceptions of Leadership and Cultures of Engagement, Inclusion, Collaboration, and Value Through a Social Capital Theory Framework, Mary Athena Geron-Newton
Resiliency, Mindset, and Academic Performance: A College Athlete's Perspective, Trisha C. Giacomazzi
The Recruitment and Retention of Professional Volunteers to Mentor Dental Students, Sandra Gibson
Narratives of Latina Leadership in Hispanic Serving Institutions in Texas, Deborah Ina Gonzalez
A Delphi Study Defining Catholic Identity in American Diocesan Catholic Higher Education, Katherine E. Grooms
Jeremiah and Falsehood, Ernesto A Guajardo
The Impact of Resilience on a Middle Manager’s Resistance to Organizational Change, April D. Hall
Protocols for Enhancing the Role and Value of Spiritual Care Resources in the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department, Garrett Harper
Effects of Compassion Fatigue on Surgical Staff Productivity, MARCY I. HARRIS
Paranormal Beliefs and The Big Five: Extrinsic Optimism, Trust in People, and Fantasy Proneness, Caitlyn Ariel Irene Harvey
Technology Selection in a Rural School District: A Case Study, Stephnie J. Helton
Why Teachers Write Office Referrals on Black Students: A Case Study, Darrin Lamont Hemphill
Implementation of Bedside Shift Report on a Medical Surgical Unit in a Private Acute Care Hospital in Jamaica, Lisa M. Henry
College and Career Readiness Effects on Minority Male College Retention, NaQuiyah Hodges
The Role of Impulsivity in Relation to the Co-Occurrence of Binge Eating and Binge Drinking, Hannah Holst
Best Practices in Professional Learning Communities That Influence Teacher Self-Efficacy, Silian Molly Hornsby
“Vacation, All I Ever Wanted?” A Qualitative Analysis of Travel Narratives from Interabled Families, Mary Heather Johnson
Texas High School Counselors’ and Advisors’ CCMR Self-Efficacy: An Exploratory Descriptive Study, Amanda R. Jolivet
Bridging Gaps. The Role of School Leaders in Implementing the McKinney-Vento Act for Homeless Student Success, Brian Jones
Principals' Perspectives of the Impact of Faculty Engagement, Self-Efficacy, and Resiliency on First-Year African American College Student Retention, Hattie Marie Jones
A Teacher-Development Curriculum: Encouraging Community Discipleship through Faith and Learning Integration at Bracken Christian High School, Denice F. Knight-Slater
The Erosion of Identity: A Study of the Influence of Racial Microaggressions on K-12 African American School Leaders, Rayfield J. Lavan III
Examining the Role of Self-Awareness in Shaping Constructive Behaviors in Conflict Management: An Elementary Principal Perspective, Laura E. Lockhart
Portraits of Hispanic and/or Latino Leadership Development in the Military, Michael Lugo
Differentiating Leadership Competencies That Create Constructive or Destructive Conflict Cultures in a Nation’s Military Service, William G. Maxwell Jr.
Using Standardized Assessments to Forecast Success or Failure on the NCLEX, Zelia Souza McGaha
Leading the Charge: A Case Study on the Leadership Behaviors of Education Leaders at Title I Campuses in Texas Prisons, Ashley McKelvey
A Phenomenological Study of the Lack of Preparedness of Recent Graduates in Sports Management Businesses in the Northeastern United States, Daria M. Mickowski
Expectations and Marriageability in African Americans: A Qualitative Content Analysis, Ashley Miller
The Conundrum of Buy-In for the Texas Teacher Incentive Allotment, Kelli F. Moore
Exploring a Potential Preparedness Gap Between Undergraduate Ministry Programs and Real-Life Ministry in the Southern Baptist Convention, Barton D. Morrison
Employee Mindfulness and Employee Perception of Servant Leadership Behaviors on Trust in Managers Within Nonprofits, Shannon Mullins
Empowering Voices: Exploring the Career Trajectories of Women of Color HR Professionals Amid Disruptive Change, Brandi R. Muñoz
The Correlational Effects of Academic and Demographic Factors on Nursing Students’ Attrition, Progression, and Completion at a University College of Nursing, Adebusola A. Obafemi
Harnessing the Power of CliftonStrengths®: How Multinational Corporations Can Use Deep-Level Diversity to Enhance Organizational Inclusion, Trapper Kay Pace
Administrators and Teachers' Experiences With Trauma Training and Trauma Informed Care, Pamala Patterson
African American Women’s Experience With Invisibility and Hypervisibility in the Workplace: Does it Matter to Career Advancement?, Elisha R. Peters
An Examination of the Lived Experiences of Black Women in Senior Leadership Roles at CCCU Member Institutions, Tuccoa Polk
Implementing Bedside Shift Report in the Home Health Care Pediatric Setting, Ruth Elena Ramos-Ardila
Dismantling Barriers: Exploring Effective Support Systems for African American Success in STEM at Community Colleges, Traci L. Ramsey
Factors Impacting EHR Implementation: A Case Study in Belize, Jessica Y. Resendiz
Parental View on HPV Vaccination, Rebecca Elaine Rhodes
Improving Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Education in Undergraduate Nursing Programs, Robin E. Roberts
Unlocking Academic Success: Exploring the Interplay of Relational Capacity in Educational Leadership and Student Achievement, Veronica Robinson