Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Abilene Christian University.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Professional Learning Community Conflicts and Teacher Leader Conflict Management From Multiple Stakeholder Perspectives, Amanda B. Dunn
Effective CTE Program Administration: Assumed or Developed?, Adrian L. Eaglin
Project: mHealth Applications for Educating Community Nurses, Nkemdilim Stacy Egbo
Psychological Safety and Conflict Management Among Nurse Practitioners in Interprofessional Teams, Scott Tyler Faust
The Transformation: Teaching Critical Thinking and Clinical Decision Making in Nursing Education, Winifred Ferguson Adams
Female Ex-Offenders Transitioning Into Society, Stacey L. Forte
Competencies Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Agents Need to Manage Conflict in Master Gardener Programs, Jayla Brook Fry
How Interactions With an Academic Advisor Influence the Self-Efficacy of Online and Distance Education Students, Tonya Renae Fulk
The Perception of New Professionals on Their Transition Into the Field of Student Affairs, Ana Garcia
Speech-Language Pathologists’ Barriers to Providing Services to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children Ages 2–9, Irene S. García-Benavides
Understanding Burnout Through the Lens of Teachers During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Phenomenological Study, Rita Marie Garcia
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Techniques in Chronic Illness, Anna Celia Gil
Exploring the Indicators of the Two Social and Emotional Learning Competencies and Their Relationship to Community College Grade Point Average, Arvinder Kaur Gill
Transformational Leadership Training for Leaders, Kristie M. Gilliland
Perceptions of School Administrators on the Role of Support Systems in Attrition Among Principals and Assistant Principals, Karina N. Gonzalez
Exploratory Case Study of Online Teacher Professional Development at a Faith Based School Through the Lens of a Community of Inquiry Framework, Ericka Heide Hamilton
A Burkean Analysis of Eighteenth, Nineteenth, and Twentieth Century Christian Hymns, Keely Hardeman
Longitudinal Insights into Student Behaviors and Program Impact: A Multi-Year Analysis of Post-Program Surveys Pre- and Post-COVID-19, Brendan Bernard Charles Harmon
Building Resilience in Graduate Nurses Through Online Virtual Simulation, Robert Grant Harmon
Police Officers’ Perspectives on the Death of George Floyd by Minneapolis Police Officers: A Descriptive Study, Janet Henderson
Executing Vision: Operationalizing the Vision Statement of Logos Preparatory Academy in Sugar Land, Texas, Jason Henderson
Cultivating Reproductive Small Group Leaders within Southwest Church, Springboro, Ohio, Roger D. Hendricks
Alumni Giving From Online Learners: A Logistic Regression Study, Jaqlyne S. Jackson
The Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Management Relationship in Black Women Leaders, Tina Raylyn Jackson
The Perceptions of Faculty and Instructional Designers Regarding the Impact of Professional Development to Teach Online Courses, Scott Mitchell January
Developing Teachers to Teach English Language Learners (ELLs) via ELL Notebook Strategies, Ebony D. Johnson
The Effect of an American Heart Association–Approved Exercise Regimen on Burnout in Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants Working in Emergency Departments, Michelle Lee Johnson
The Relationship Between Job Challenge and Leadership Aspiration From the Perspective of the Entry Level Nurse Leader, Rose M. Johnson
A Formal Wound Care Plan for Homelessness Populations, Sophia C. Johnson
Perceived Social Isolation and Turnover Intention Among Black Faculty at Midwestern and Southeastern Public U.S. Universities, Trenee T. Johnson
Care Transition Assessment Redesign in the Acute Care Setting, Darla M. Johnston
Student Perceptions of Social Media in the Admissions Process, Skiler Ashley Jones
Authentic Narratives of Successful Pathways to Undergraduate Completion for Black Men, Tara M. Jones
Educational Robotics and Computational Thinking in Elementary School Students, Sonia D. Jordan
Designing a Drama-Based Arts Ministry for the North 10th and Treadaway Church of Christ, Curtis Alexander King
School Superintendents’ Perspectives Regarding Subordinates Developing, Utilizing, and Implementing Gifted Identification Equity, Vincent T. Landrum
A Qualitative Descriptive Study on High School Teachers’ Perspectives Regarding School Safety and Lockdown Drills, Hector Leija
Pediatric Obesity in Primary Care, Lynne C. Liggins
On-Campus Mental Health Service Use Among College Students With Autism: A Case Study Applying the Andersen Behavioral Model of Health Services Use, Estella C. Lilyquist
Effects of Parental Deployment on Military-Connected High School Students and Strategies for Academic Success, Sean T. Lucas
Do Metrics Improve When Continuity of Care Nurses Follow Chronic Disease Patients in the Ambulatory Setting?, Lura Cynthia Lunsford
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Mental Health of College Students, Jack Marcelain
The Correlational Relationship Between Clinical Sepsis Knowledge and Evidence-Based Practice Compliance, gary martinez
The Perceptions of Second-Year, First-Generation Minority Students Regarding the Influence of AVID Mentoring on Students’ Retention, Nisha Mary Mathews
Narratives of Existence and the Narrative Existence: Ontological Unity in the Border Trilogy and Quantum Theory, Rebecca Leigh McIntosh